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Astigmatism: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Ayurvedic Treatments

Writer's picture: Dr. Dyuthi MukundanDr. Dyuthi Mukundan

Astigmatism: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Ayurvedic Treatments

Astigmatism: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Ayurvedic Treatment Solutions

Astigmatism is a common refractive error in the eye that causes blurred or distorted vision. It occurs when the cornea or the lens inside the eye has an irregular shape resulting in a blurry image. Astigmatism can occur alone or with other refractive errors, such as near-sightedness or farsightedness.

In Bhadra Teja Ayurveda, we provide treatment for Astigmatism that involves an authentic approach like personalized diet and lifestyle modifications, special ayurvedic herbal preparations, eye exercises, and local therapeutic procedures to improve general eye health and relieve symptoms.

What is Astigmatism?

A defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature. This results in distorted and blurry images, as light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus. Astigmatism is a condition in which uneven curvature of the cornea affects even refraction. It’s a type of refractive error — an extremely common eye condition that causes blurred vision. In some patients, the cornea will not be uniform in curvature and will be greater in one plane much like a football.

Types of Astigmatism:

There are 3 Primary types of Astigmatism: -

1.     Myopic Astigmatism

2.     Hyperopic Astigmatism

3.     Mixed Astigmatism

It can also be classified into: -

1.     Regular Astigmatism

2.     Irregular Astigmatism

What are the Symptoms of Astigmatism?

The symptoms of astigmatism can vary in severity and may include: -

1.      Dull ache in the eye

2.      Constant Headaches

3.      Squinting of eye for clarity while reading

4.      Blurred and defective vision.

5.      Difficulty seeing fine details on objects

6.      Keep the reading material closer

What causes Astigmatism?

It is usually caused by an irregularity shaped cornea, and is called Corneal (or keratometric) Astigmatism. In some cases, astigmatism is caused by the shape of the lens inside the eye, and is called as Lenticular Astigmatism.

In some cases, it may also be inherited. Environmental factors like constant and prolonged exposure to UV radiation and eye trauma also might cause changes in curvature of cornea.

Ayurvedic Understanding of Astigmatism:

Astigmatism in Ayurveda may be compared with the Lakshanas or features of Timira. Specific features include blurring of vision and either inability to see distant, near, or both, and distorted vision. Distorted vision is a feature of Timira caused by Vata, while the other symptoms are characteristic of Timira when the second layer of the eye or Patala is invaded. 

In Ayurveda, visual defects are mentioned under Drishtigata  Rogas.  Symptoms of Astigmatism can be analyzed as features mentioned under Prathama Patalagata Timira.

Ayurvedic Management of Astigmatism:

In Ayurveda, Astigmatism is compared with the lakshana (features) of Timira. The management of Astigmatism usually approaches with the focus on restoring balance of Doshas and promoting overall eye health. This will involve dietary and lifestyle modifications and administration Ayurvedic medications and therapies.

In Bhadra Teja Ayurveda we follow an authentic line of treatment which includes treatment procudere called Kriya kalpa. Kriya kalpa includes special eye treatments done for overall eye health. Seka, Pindi, Tarpana, etc are some of the procedures done for curing Astigmatism. Procedures like Nasya and sirolepa are also done according to the condition of the patient.

What are the diagnostic tools for Astigmatism?

·       Vision test

·       Ophthalmoscopy

·       Keratometry

·       Astigmatic fan test

·       Corneal topography


What are the treatment modalities for Astigmatism?

1.     Corrective lenses – Glasses or contact lenses

2.     Refractive therapy – This is a laser surgery done to correct the shape of your cornea. Most of the cases are usually corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

Dietary Requirements:

Consume foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as Amla (Indian gooseberry), Haridra(turmeric), and green leafy vegetables. This helps to protect the eyes from stress and reduce inflammation. Include vegetables like Sweet Potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, Papaya, etc., in your diet.

What is astigmatism and what are the common astigmatism symptoms?

Astigmatism is a common refractive error that occurs when the surface of the eye, typically the cornea, is irregularly shaped. This irregularity can cause blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, and eye strain, which are typical astigmatism symptoms.

What are the types of astigmatism?

There are two main types of astigmatism: corneal astigmatism, which is caused by an irregular shape of the cornea, and lenticular astigmatism, which is due to changes in the lens inside the eye. Both types can affect vision quality.

How is astigmatism diagnosed by an eye doctor?

An eye doctor diagnoses astigmatism through a comprehensive eye exam that includes tests to measure the curvature of the cornea and how the eye focuses light. These tests help determine the severity of the refractive error.

What are the common astigmatism diagnosis methods?

Common methods for astigmatism diagnosis include visual acuity tests, keratometry to measure the curvature of the cornea, and computerized corneal topography, which provides detailed maps of the cornea's shape.

What is involved in astigmatism prescription measurements?

Astigmatism prescription measurements involve determining the degree of astigmatism, which is specified in diopters, as well as the axis of the astigmatism, which indicates the orientation of the irregular curvature. This information is essential for prescribing corrective lenses or planning treatment.

What treatment options are available for astigmatism?

Treatment options for astigmatism include corrective lenses such as glasses and contact lenses, as well as Ayurvedic Treatments and surgical options like laser eye surgery. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the astigmatism and the patient's overall eye health.

How does laser eye surgery help improve vision in people with astigmatism?

Laser eye surgery reshapes the cornea to correct the irregular curvature that causes astigmatism, allowing light to focus more accurately on the retina. This can significantly improve vision and reduce dependency on corrective lenses.

Can astigmatism be caused by eye injuries or conditions?

Yes, astigmatism can develop due to eye injuries, surgeries, or conditions such as keratoconus. Additionally, some people are born with astigmatism, which can be detected during routine eye exams.

Is it possible for astigmatism to lead to other vision problems, such as lazy eye?

Yes, if left untreated, astigmatism can contribute to other vision problems, including lazy eye (amblyopia), as the brain may begin to favor one eye over the other due to the blurred vision caused by astigmatism.

Can an eye astigmatism be corrected?

Yes, with proper external and internal therapeutic measures, Ayurveda may provide healthcare for overall eye disorders and symptoms of Astigmatism.

Can astigmatism be cured permanently?

Astigmatism is a common refractive error and by administering Ayurvedic treatment, it helps in restoring normal ocular function by addressing underlying imbalances and promoting ocular health.

Is it possible to correct astigmatism naturally?

No, Astigmatism is a condition that affects the shape of your eyes and may worsen or deteriorate over time. Hence this condition should be corrected and managed medically.

How does Ayurveda treat astigmatism?

In Bhadra Teja Ayurveda we provide treatment plans which are specialized to individual patients, considering factors such as body constitution(Prakriti), eye strain, and the underlying cause of astigmatism.

What should you avoid if you have astigmatism?

Constantly rubbing your eyes, sleeping on and sharing your lenses, using a laptop, television, or mobile for a prolonged time, etc. should be taken care of. Avoid food such as sour foods, alcohol, curd, and excessively hot and fatty foods.

How does astigmatism start?

Astigmatism is usually caused by an irregular shape of the cornea or lens. Genetic factors, eye injuries or surgeries, age related and environmental changes are also some of the causes.





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